Wednesday, 17 October 2012

THERE IS GROWING LOCAL DISCONTENT about Wisbech becoming a poor relation in Fenland, with all the attention and positive activity being centred on March. A particular focus of people's anger is the continued inactivity over the wrecked former Belfast building. There is an online where you can sign up to register your complaint. The link is here:

Simply click the 'sign' tab. You will be asked to leave an email address, and a comment.

IF YOU HAVE EMAIL ACCESS then how about contacting Fenland District Council, and asking them just what they are doing about the building? The link is HERE

ALTERNATIVELY you can write a letter to FDC. Their address is below:
(Planning and Building)
Fenland Hall, 
County Road, 
Cambridgeshire PE15 8NQ 

Here are some simple letters which you can highlight, then copy and paste into a Word document on your computer

xxxxxxxxxx (your address)

Fenland District Council,
(Building and Planning)
Fenland Hall,
County Road,
March PE15 8NQ

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to ask what is being done about the derelict former Belfast building in Wisbech. This is one of the first things visitors see when they come to the town. I strongly feel that Wisbech is a poor cousin in Fenland when it comes to working on our heritage and keeping the town looking good. I would be grateful for a reply telling me what efforts have been made to contact the owner of the premises, and what pressure has been brought to bear on them to make good the damage, or to return the building to proper use.

With best wishes,

 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx (signed and dated)

Or try this one 

Your address

Fenland District Council,
(Building and Planning)
Fenland Hall,
County Road,
March PE15 8NQ

 Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a resident of Wisbech, and am writing to ask for information about what is happening in regard to the derelict former Belfast building in town. It is an age since it was burned out, and it has become the most prominent eyesore in Wisbech. I have several questions for you. Firstly, what efforts have been made to locate the owner of the building? Secondly, if the owner has been located, what legal pressure is being brought bear on them to either repair or sell the building? Thirdly, if the owner has not been traced, how much longer does FDC intend to wait before it exercises its statutory powers?

 Wisbech has a reputation of being the poor relation in Fenland, and the continued inactivity over this building just reinforces the perception. I await your reply.

With best wishes,

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx (signed and dated)

Or this one...

Your address

Fenland District Council, 
(Building and Planning)
Fenland Hall,
County Road,
March PE15 8NQ

Dear Sir/Madam,

I live near Wisbech and visit the town regularly. I also pay Council Tax to Fenland District Council. I am completely fed up with the current state of what used to be the Belfast building. This fire which destroyed much of the building happened in March 2010. Now, over two years later, residents are still none the wiser about what, if anything has been done. It is a complete eyesore which must create a bad impression to anyone who is visting the town.

I understand that local authorities have Compulsory Purchase Order powers which can be used ‘when it is in the public interest to do so’ Could you please tell me what measures FDC have taken to deal with this matter, and what future plans are?

With best wishes,

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx (signed and dated)